Bumblebee Movie Review – with Spoilers

Hey, writers. I just finished watching the Bumblebee movie.
Hit the jump, and let’s discuss.

First I have to say that I’ve enjoyed the movie. I’m not someone that follows everything Hailee Steinfeld, so I wasn’t expecting anything, positive or negative.
Having said that, I enjoyed Hailee Steinfeld in this movie.
Let’s talk about names. The character she played really stuck out to me. The character of Charlie had a lot of male traits. Not to say that a girl can’t do an air drum solo or a girl can’t beat up on her little brother.
I just a masculine vibe from that character sometimes. I mean legit, Charlie is a name that goes to boys in my head. (Yes I realize that a girl can be named Charlie but for me it’s a boy’s name. Just like ”James” I attribute it to boys long before I do for girls.)
So why do I bring this up? Well, during the movie and afterward I asked myself if the character of Charlie was actually a boy in the original script.
Character-wise, I’ll just stay in the middle ground and say Charlie could have been a boy or a girl.

However. Let’s look back at the original movies. The little human that goes with the Autobots is usually male. Think of the cartoons, as well as Sam Witwicky AKA Shia Lebouf. They were all males.
I believe they wanted to go in a different direction this time around. Did they think that girl toys would sell better than boys’ toys?
Mirror, Mirror
Another thing that crossed my mind was a joke / serious rule I noticed long ago. You can tell when a movie is for men when you see a lot of women wearing little clothing.
And, for the record, the opposite is true. A certain werewolf comes to mind. Dude, you can’t tear off a piece of clothing? Gotta take the whole shirt off?
Haha. Moving on.
In this movie, there was, and I say this with a lot of energy, “Take your shirt off!”
“Yo girl….ummmm you’re wearing two shirts,” said AlohaAlvin.
According to the “rule” I mentioned earlier, that would make this a movie geared towards women. But then there are giant robots fighting in all the action scenes.
Catering to both men and women? Hm.
But again, I think about the possible gender swap. So I’ll pose the question:
Was Charlie originally a boy?
Think of the scenes then play them again in your head but as a boy this time.
Sound off in the comments!
P.S. Yes, totally recommending this movie. Good stuff. Good action.
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