Happy Holidays: Father’s Day

Hey, writers. First of all, Happy Father’s Day! I hope this day finds you well.
A long time ago my father would give me advice that I….pretended to take.
Let’s correct some of that today. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss.
My dad used to tell me that I needed to keep a journal. Now, back then I didn’t really think about writing and I used to just ignore what he was saying. Honestly, the idea made sense but I didn’t plan on taking up his advice.
The reality is that he used to tell me that often but I didn’t listen. What’s up with kids these days? Not listening! They never listen! Damn kids and their music…>.>
Haha. Okay. Moving on.
There’s this thing about events as well as journal writing. On one hand, while I do the writing I think to myself, “Why am I doing this?” It feels redundant. I’m living it, so why do I need to write it down?
Simultaneously, I realize that as time passes that I forget things from my pass. Writers, sometimes I just bite the bullet. If something feels even remotely important I tend to write it all out. To paraphase a quote:
When in doubt, write it out.
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho…ho…?
So, writers, I have Christmas photos. I also have…other….Christmas photos. On top of those photos? I have other Christmas photos. There comes a point where I just have all my Christmas photos blurring together.
The reality is that with all the color coordinating (the reds and the greens), I can’t really tell one outfit from another. On that note, it’s kind of depressing but factual that if I just recall which people that are no longer in my life I can then spot which year a photo was taken. For instance, “She moved away three years ago. This photo must be three years old.”
One of These is Not Like the Other
I’m intentionally keeping my articles shorter these days, writers. So I’m going push onto my final point now. (If you miss the longer articles, hit me up on e-mail by clicking here.)
This is a key point, writers, so I hope it sticks with you. One of the things about writing notes on, or even labeling photos, is that it requires you to have proper word choice.
For instance, is Aunt Ida wearing a Christmas sweater that is hideous or ugly or disgusting? I kid, I kid but the point still stands. Every time we write anything, we have to take the time to use the right words. The difference between using the write word the proper weigh or the wrong way or the weird whey can make all the difference.
Oh My Father, Father…
An easy closing today, writers.
Did your father ever give you advice that you still follow today?
Sound off in the comments!
P.S. No quote today. If you’re able to, please contact/hug/talk to your dad! Today is a good day 🙂
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