Mission Impossible – Fallout! YESSSSS

Hey, writers. Today I wanted to talk about a movie I can’t wait to see. Since before January I wanted to see this movie. More than any other slated for the year. Yes, including Avengers Infinity War and Deadpool Two.
Oh wait. You can already see the banner and the title … hmm … awkward …
Hit the jump and let’s discuss… stuff…. Haha.
So the movie in question is clearly Mission Impossible. But now the question is: “Why?”
First I have to talk about Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation. Holy smokes I loved that movie.
I still can’t believe how much.
That movie, on top of having great action and an enjoyable story answered a question I’ve thought about on and off: How do you incorporate / create a female character that’s strong and powerful and an equal to any man?
Now I know there’s many ways to tackle that question but that’ll wait for another day.
Note: I usually have all the content for this site planned well in advance. But if there’s something you want to see sooner rather than later just email me or hit me up in the comments. Say for instance writing female characters into a story.
Ilsa Faust was incredible in Rogue Nation and I don’t just mean the cool stuff she could do, cause they could all do cool stuff. It was also because of the stuff her character represented. I was thoroughly impressed by her in Rogue Nation and I’m expecting big things from her in the upcoming movie.
Hell yes.
For the longest time, I couldn’t name that actress. She was always “That lady from Rogue Nation.” On that note, I did see The Greatest Showman. There was a redhead in TGS that I was impressed by. Only later did I realize…it was the same actress. So this woman can do the singing in one movie and the stunts in another.
So again, super anticipating Mission Impossible – Fallout. Can’t wait.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
On another note: I loved Shape of Water. Only later did I realize it was General Zod from Man of Steel. Another movie that I enjoyed. Realizing that the character(s) I like are being played by the same person? A fun moment both times.
I’m keeping it short these days but Henry Caville in the trailer? Holy effing crap. When he takes the boxing stance? Bruh. Shut up and take my money!
I think the last time I was this hyped for a movie was Sing (yup, the one with the singing animals). Yeah… That’s not a joke >.>
One Last Thing
Regarding this post? Keeping it short these days, writers. Regarding the movie? Sweet crap the hype! 🙂
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Of the various Mission Impossible movies and shows, which is your favorite?
P.S. Henry Caville! Yessssssss!
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