NaNoWriMo Incoming!

Hey, writers.
Today’s post is going to be quickie. NANOWRIMO!!
Hit the jump and let’s discuss 🙂
I am legit tingling in the fingertips. Haha.
I just signed up for NaNoWriMo, AKA National Novel Writing Month. There are random inspirational things. Now, I’m going to have a lot to say at the end of November, so you’ll have to wait to read those thoughts.
Or…you could join NaNoWriMo with me! OooOooh. Hehe.
Here’s a link:
National Novel Writing Month – Official Site
November 1-30. The world needs your novel.
I’m adding info to the About page. There are multiple announcements. Please keep checking back.
P.S. Even if you don’t do the fifty thou in thirty days, it’s a good time to write. Think about it! It’s almost Halloween. So many scary stories to create 🙂
P.P.S. NaNoWriMo! Whoo!!
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