Poems and Prose

Hey, writers.
I love my prose. I just do. Poetry is also good.
Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss.
Once in a great while I actually get the Jones to write some poetry. I usually ignore it. Let’s be real here, writers I have enough prose-ish things that I should probably finish that first. To paraphrase Stewie Griffin , “Finish this candy bar before you start another one.” Having said that, I did crank out a poem the other day because … well, because I felt like it.
Writers, I’m going to reference this one a lot so bear with me please. There was some mathematical equation that was “impossible” to solve. Many great minds couldn’t figure it out. One day, one of the mathematicians, was literally looking at (or thinking about) a doughnut. To clarify, yes that thing that Homer Simpson enjoys eating. Thoughts about a doughnut helped him solve a math problem. Yes, really.
Regarding poetry, it felt really odd for me. My bread and butter is definitely slam poetry. Effing love me some slam poetry. Can’t even begin to tell you. Moving on.
I have written short stories as well as full-blown novels. I think it’s easy to trick yourself into thinking one particular myth. I used to believe, and I know others believe that writing a novel is exactly the same as writing a short story. Except that the novel is just a longer medium. I can say, without a shadow of a doubt that that is wrong.
The bulk of my poetry (that I actually put effort into) comes from Slam. Everything else was homework for school. Regardless, I’ve done a lot of forms. Anyway. I would say that writing a novel is like writing a normal poem. Rhyming, not rhyming. What have you. Meanwhile, writing short stories absolutely feels like writing a haiku. Holy smokes, I can’t say that enough.
Everything written (in a haiku) requires a hyper awareness of syllable count. While I wouldn’t say I’m that I’m always on top of my word counts when writing a short story, I’m definitely cognizant of it. Meanwhile, when I’m writing a novel I just kind of go ham. For the record, the Big Boys often recommend this. “Just keep writing, deal with the other stuff later,” they would say. I can’t say I completely agree with where they’re coming from. But I do understand.
Regardless, I’ve been enjoying the random poem I just wrote. Honestly, I’m just enjoying playing with words.
I’ve never had an inclination to write something like The Iliad. Where it’s literally like a novel’s worth of text but it’s completely in poem form. Hmm… Maybe one day? Not gonna lie. That sounds straight up daunting. Though now that I’ve (accurately) labeled it that (daunting)…I kind of want to do it.
Okay. Back to my point. I wrote a poem, and it felt good. I, and I know some others, feel like poetry and prose never mix. Honestly, I think that’s a mistake.
Have you ever written a poem then was inspired to write a short story?
Sound off in the comments below!
2 Responses
Aww, I wanted to read the poem.
It was a good poem! I haven’t decided to post poetry onto this site, but one day I probably will. 🙂
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