Deadpool 2:  Movie Review & Thoughts (SPOILER)

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Deadpool 2:  Movie Review & Thoughts (SPOILER)

Hey, writers. My most recent article covered The Best Movie of All Time. After that I felt compelled to write this article. So today we’ll be discussing Deadpool 2. Be warned though, there be spoilers ahead! Yarrr… Wait, what? No pirate talk? Okay. No problem…matey. Haha.

Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss.

Writers, I knew going into the movie that there would be Easter eggs everywhere. Having said that, I didn’t go in trying to spot them. I prefer to immerse myself in a movie.   For Deadpool 2 though, every time they mentioned Black Tom Cassidy my ears perked up. It was very Pavlovian for me. To clarify, I don’t care about Black Tom but I love the Juggernaut.  To my friends who read comics: I mean Cain Marko with the crimson gem of Cyttorak.

Definitely one of the highlights of the movie for me.

One of These is Not Like the Other

Right after watching the first Deadpool movie I was worried for Colossus. In the first movie, Colossus was a good “straight man” for all of Deadpool’s shenanigans. Negasonic Teenage Warhead, if you think about it, filled a very similar role as well.

Learning about the “upcoming inclusion” of Cable, a character I also enjoy, I worried for that dynamic.

Then I saw the sequel and I still enjoyed myself.  My worries were all for naught, of course.  The creators employed a tactic I know from sitcoms, “Slot filling.” On the show Full House, the cute babies slot was filled with the character Michelle Tanner.  Eventually she went from a toddler (I remember Uncle Jesse and Uncle Joey struggling to change her diapers). Then the two actresses that played the one character got older. Then they introduced Nicky and Alex.

I theorize that if that show went on for much longer that there would have been another baby or two.

In the case of Deadpool (2), the serious male character slot is filled by Colossus. Then when it isn’t? It’s filled by Cable.  They make it work and I’m glad they did.

Makes the World Go ‘Round

The vast majority of the time, I could care less about the love interest in most movies, with one big exception (see my upcoming article The Only Love Interest I Ever Cared About).  In this case,  I cared for Vanessa (played by Morena Baccarin). I particularly enjoyed her “Heaven Scenes.”

I remember when she first mentioned wanting to have children.  It was a very surreal moment for me.  I thought to myself IIRC that her past doesn’t exactly scream “traditional, nuclear family” at me.  Then again, maybe being in a relationship with a man she loves put her into such a positive mindset.  Good stuff.


As the movie progressed, I get the feeling that there’s something bad heading their way.  And, of course, we see the bullet hit her.  Then it all made sense.  I’ve discussed this before (in Timing Better Flashbacks), essentially, scenes should rise and fall in their intensity/speed/action/etc.  Her talking about babies made her death hurt so much more.  It was very well done.  (“You’re smarter than I look.” — Deadpool to his girl)

Also regarding the Heaven scenes, I really enjoyed the part about his heart not being ready.  It was a very painful statement to hear for a guy who just lost the love of his life, but it stung well and was appropriately cryptic for that part of the movie.

The line that gets repeated is also good, “Kids give us a chance to be better than we used to be.”

In Save The Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need by Blake Snyder (2005), the author says that it’s best if you can state directly the theme of the movie.  Given how Deadpool has to make a decision to either put Russell (played by Julian Dennison) on a path of mass murder or being a hero, I think it’s a great theme that encompasses both action as well as emotion.

Looking back on it now, Vanessa’s line about wanting children fits perfectly into the theme.  Sorry for doubting you, writers of Deadpool 2.

On the Shoulders of Giants

I mentioned the duffle bag before (Best Movie of All Time).  I have to say that it was a hard laugh and a good laugh.  As I was watching Deadpool 2 I had a similar moment.  I laughed so hard I was aware of how loud I was laughing and what an awesome feeling that was coursing through me.

The moment when Deadpool says, “Alright, Peter, you’re hired,” (or something to that effect).  Then we hear, Dopinder (played by Karan Soni), scream “FAWK!!”

Okay, not gonna lie, writers, I just chuckled as I typed that.  The reality is that the writers spent a chunk of time building up that scene.  “I want to be on the team, Mr. Pool” and “I’m ready, DP.”  There were bits and pieces of buildup all through the movie and the payoff at that moment was amazing.

Peter (played by Rob Delaney) was the perfect no-powers Average Joe and I enjoyed when he was resurrected.  Solid moments all around.

Alright, writers.  I’m going to assume that you’ve seen the movie if you’ve made this far into the article.  I’m also going to assume that you’ve laughed once or twice during the movie.  So here’s my question:

What was the moment that made you laugh the hardest?  Sound off in the comments! 🙂


P.S. Okay, writers.  The article ran a bit long so I’ll keep this one short:  Domino?  Yes.  More please.
P.P.S.  Baby legs?  Could not stop laughing.  Haha! 🙂
P.P.P.S.  “Hey, Deadpool,” leading into “Hey, Yukio.”
P.P.P.P.S. Can Deadpool really heal all that in three days?  Holy crap.
P.P.P.P.P.S. Too many “P”s and too many “S”s … >.>

This is so random, but I had to share.  In case you still haven’t had enough Deadpool:

I love Colbert, I must’ve missed this one live.


2 Responses

  1. Hikes Hikes says:

    I love all the moments where Deadpool breaks the fourth wall. Also where he crosses then uncrosses his baby legs. Not everybody in the theater got the reference. Haha!

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