Writer Lessons from Solo, Big & Scary (Spoiler Alert)

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Writer Lessons from Solo, Big & Scary (Spoiler Alert)

Hey, writers. So I have this thing where I say really offensive Star Wars stuff without even realizing it. For instance, I’ve said these words and meant them: “I’ve seen 1, 2, 3 but not 4, 5, 6.” I have since seen 4…that makes it less…bad? Haha.

Anyway, I just saw Solo.

Hit the jump writers, and let’s discuss.

So here’s another faux pas regarding the Star Wars universe: I think Solo is my favorite Star Wars movie.*

I then had to ask myself the Bruno Mars question (from an interview): I really liked this [movie]…why did I like it?

Let’s talk about Chewbacca today.

You Ch-ch-ch-choose Me?

In general, when I find myself “sucked out of the moment” it bothers me, but Solo was the first time in a long time when it didn’t. I remember watching the scene where Han gets thrown in with Chewbacca for the first time.

Before the fighting happens, we hear a storm trooper say, “He hasn’t been fed in days” or something like that. Honestly, I shrugged it off. Then there’s a shot of a body torn in half. Clearly, this is all there to make Chewbacca seem more dangerous.

It was only a few moments later when I realized, especially because one of the storm troopers was sad that the fight was seemingly over quickly, that…Chewbacca has a habit of…eating humans? Cannibalism in a Disney movie?

I remember reading in the Hunger Games that one of the contestants from the previous year had a habit of eating the dead bodies that accumulated around her. I don’t remember seeing someone eating another human in the Hunger Games movie and I think that was the right call. But…interesting.

So back to Chewbacca.

I lack a lot of Star Wars knowledge so I don’t know if Chewbacca is actually seen eating humans in Five or Six or if he does it in the comics. (I’m guessing he doesn’t.) But then again…Chewbacca is a known carnivore as we’ve seen with the porg.

I’m reminded of something I read in a Dungeons & Dragons handbook. “Stay out of this territory because the halflings like to eat trespassers.” Then later, “Interestingly, they do not consider themselves cannibals.” I mean…you don’t see them eating other halflings do you?

Oh crap…I just got a mental image of a wookie eating a bloody, dismembered wookie. Yikes. Sorry, everyone.

Actually, a dark scene with a Wookie in a forest fighting off pioneering humans could be very interesting. I’m seeing the Predator and awesome, jungle Stealth scenes here. Hm…You know, I’d love to see a “scary” movie like that.

A wookie hiding in the mist of a foggy morning as storm troopers search the area. Maybe there’s a scene where the wookie bursts out of the water and snatches one of the storm troopers before he can get away. Dragging him under, the storm trooper splashes in a futile attempt to get away. Until there’s only the sound of gurgling bubbles at the water’s calm surface…

Aw man…I kind of want to see that now >.>

So what do you think, writers?

Would you watch a “scary movie” starring a wookie?

Sound off in the comments! 🙂


*The one Star Wars movie I liked? Here’s a quote from an article I read. “The numbers don’t lie. “Solo” earned a disappointing $103 million in North America over its opening weekend and stalled out with $68.2 million overseas.” *sigh* Of course the movie I actually liked didn’t do well. Hm…