Writer’s Therapy

A Home for Aspiring Writers

Writer’s Therapy

Hey, writers. I feel like I should share this one… And I feel like I might regret it but …



Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss.

So I’m a big proponent of writing (duh, right?). I also believe that writing offers a lot of benefits (e.g. better focus, enhanced creativity, etc.) but then there’s a benefit I never really acknowledged. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done the journaling thing (shout outs to my father) but that was only somewhat therapeutic. And it was non-fiction.

Writers, I was recently working on a fictional short story and yo, I cried my eyes out. It just hit me, you know?

I’m reminded of an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond in which the main character Raymond spies on his wife. He found out his wife Deborah would sit and cry after Raymond left the house. There’s a great sequence where he creeps up to his own window to watch Deborah (have a normal, daytime) cry.

As he’s doing the Peeping Tom thing the mailman appears. There’s a moment of “Um… What’re you doing?” To which Raymond tries to say, “No! I live here!” Followed by, “Yeah right, ya weirdo!”

If I remember correctly, this was all done via glances, but yes, it was still amazing. Anyway, I mention it because Deborah was trying to explain to Raymond that she sometimes cries, intentionally, because it is therapeutic. Meanwhile, the rest of the episode is Raymond not understanding why someone would invoke a crying session.

Prior to that one short story I wrote, I was definitely on Raymond’s side of this equation. After my experience with the short story … Well, I’m still on Raymond’s side. But I better understand Deborah’s point of view.

It was an interesting moment for me. Surely other writers must have experienced this. And if you haven’t experienced this, perhaps one day you will. It caught me by surprise and was an odd experience for me. I hope your future experience will be the opposite of mine. I hope you’ll be expecting it and enjoying it.

Simple close today:

Have you ever written something that moved you to tears?

Don’t have to say it in the comments, email works, too 🙂


P.S.  I tried to find a silly image of a Peeping Tom.  Yeah…no…they’re all creepy >.>