Special announcement! OooOooh. Haha

A Home for Aspiring Writers

Special announcement! OooOooh. Haha

Hey, writers, I have an announcement to make. I’ve debated this in year’s past. And now. Well. Now I have an announcement to make. Haha.

Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss.

There’s this thing. It’s called the National Novel Writing Month. AKA NaNoWriMo. It’s a way to get people to write more. With a goal like that, how can I not get in on it?

So let’s get some details in:

Here’s the main point: On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30. That’s about 1,700 words a day for a month.

To use running terms. Let’s say you hate running. But… You know you need to do it. In this case, instead of running all year, the only issue is to run your heart out in November. For people who avoid writing, this can be the one thing to get their butts off the couch.

I have mixed feelings about that, but that’s for another day. Today is about the announcement. I’m sure some of you have already assumed, I have decided… *drum roll please*

I will be doing NaNoWriMo! OooOooh 🙂

So what does this mean for you all? Well first, NaNoWriMo is the opposite of writing alone. People who do NaNoWriMo join a group of writers that are also doing the same thing.  If you are interested in doing this, and you’re the type that wouldn’t go to a party alone…you can join me!

Also, unlike some other events this one ends with everyone having a novel or a chunk of their novel done. Either way, that’s pretty awesome.

If you’re interested, check out their site:

And of course, if you’re debating it but still not sure? Check back in December. I’ll throw my thoughts.

So what do you think, writers? Would you do this? Have you done it before and totally loved it? Or maybe you know someone who knows someone who has done it?

Sound off in the comments 🙂


P.S. There’s actually no reason not to. You do it and you like it then great. If you hate it halfway through? That’s still 25,000 words to a novel. And that’s pretty cool.

P.P.S I’m working a new novel. So a second reason to really look forward to it. This… Will be… Interesting 🙂