Author: admin

A Home for Aspiring Writers

Glass Movie Review (Spoilers Ahead!)

Hey, writers. I recently saw the movie Glass and I had a good time with it. Hit the jump, and let’s discuss. Let’s start with the trailer. (For the record, I saw Split (2017) then I saw the trailer for Glass (2019) then I saw Unbreakable (2000). And most recently I saw the movie Glass…
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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Writers, Habit #2

Hey, writers. I love the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. Today, let’s talk about the second Habit: Begin with the End in Mind. For this habit I’ll cover the logline. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. Whenever I’m working on a project, I like to plan the upcoming steps then…
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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Writers, Habit #1

Hey, writers. I love Sean Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens. (A book based off of his father’s book.) Today, I’ll cover the first habit in the first installment in a series of articles. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. The first habit in the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (by Stephen…
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Ending on a Win

Happy New Year’s, writers!  Today I’ll talk about Overwatch, but I’m going to weave in one of my most important lessons as well. Hit the jump, and let’s end this year on a bang!🙂 The other day, I had the best night of Overwatch I have ever played. I was working on a podcast with…
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Bumblebee Movie Review – with Spoilers

Hey, writers. I just finished watching the Bumblebee movie. Hit the jump, and let’s discuss. First I have to say that I’ve enjoyed the movie. I’m not someone that follows everything Hailee Steinfeld, so I wasn’t expecting anything, positive or negative. Having said that, I enjoyed Hailee Steinfeld in this movie. Let’s talk about names.…
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Aquman Movie Review (with spoilers)

Hey, writers. I really wanted to do a review and commentary on Aquaman but this time with spoilers. Let’s do this. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. One of the writer-y things that really stood out, and I thoroughly enjoyed, was the use of two different love stories. First of all, I think it…
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Aquaman Review (No spoilers)

Hey, writers. I just saw Aquaman. Hit the jump and CHEE HOO! Wait. Let’s try that again. Hit the jump and let’s discuss 🙂 I just finished watching Aquaman and I have to say that I enjoyed it. Today’s review will have zero spoilers in it. Having said that, I will assume that we’ve all…
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Lessons from an Artist

Hey, writers. There’s an artist and I don’t remember her(?) name, but I do remember being impressed by this artist. So what does drawing have to do with our writing? Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. Professional artists, I imagine, spend their days drawing. I liken it to a very successful man that also…
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Poems and Prose

Hey, writers. I love my prose. I just do. Poetry is also good. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. Once in a great while I actually get the Jones to write some poetry. I usually ignore it. Let’s be real here, writers I have enough prose-ish things that I should probably finish that first.…
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To Pen Name or Not to Pen Name

Hey, writers. On and off I’ve thought about pen names. Should I use one? Should I change my name only a little or completely? Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. In general, I’m a private guy. Anyone who knows me already knows that. Pen names, by their very nature get a kind of anonymity…
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