Author: admin

A Home for Aspiring Writers

My Own Branding

Hey, writers. I was in an interesting position recently. Essentially, I had to think about my brand. It felt quite… Existential. Haha. Hit the jump and let’s discuss. Writers, I don’t know if you’ve ever had to ask yourself what your brand is or will be one day. For instance for AlohaAlvin the website, I…
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A Lesson from West Point

Hey, writers. I have a friend.  He’s a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. We had a conversation and then I wrote this article. Hit the jump, and let’s discuss. So I said to him, “Is there anything you wanted to cover if you could choose a topic on the AlohaAlvin…
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I Hate My Voice! Haha :-)

Hey, writers. Holy smokes I hate my voice. Bruh. No. Just no. Man I hate my voice. Ugh! Haha. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. Okay. First, a quick recap. I am now a podcast co-host. OooOooh. Haha. Here’s some info: The podcast is called How’s It Cousins. And it is hosted by How’sItChris…
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Happy Halloween!

Hey, writers. Today I wanted to talk to you all about masks. But first. If you’re here from the podcast… Welcome! Second. Masks come in many shapes and sizes. Hit the jump, writers & guests, and let’s discuss. First, here’s a link to the How’s It Cousins podcast: Alright, let’s continue.  (Always remember that my…
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NaNoWriMo Incoming!

Hey, writers. Today’s post is going to be quickie.  NANOWRIMO!! Hit the jump and let’s discuss 🙂 I am legit tingling in the fingertips.  Haha. I just signed up for NaNoWriMo, AKA National Novel Writing Month.  There are random inspirational things.  Now, I’m going to have a lot to say at the end of November,…
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Value of an Idea

Hey, writers. I really wanted to tell you all about the tail end of my San Diego trip. For obvious reasons, I can’t tell you every bit. But I can tell you the important stuff. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. How much is an idea worth? This, writers, is a very interesting question.…
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Football & Habit

Hey, writers. Football is upon us once again. “Not gonna lie” I am very hyped. Let’s get on with some writing 🙂 Hit the jump, and let’s discuss. There’s a lot of things I like about football. One, I am absolutely not an expert but, two, I like the strategies and philosophies that come out…
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Special announcement! OooOooh. Haha

Hey, writers, I have an announcement to make. I’ve debated this in year’s past. And now. Well. Now I have an announcement to make. Haha. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. There’s this thing. It’s called the National Novel Writing Month. AKA NaNoWriMo. It’s a way to get people to write more. With a…
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A Letter to My Paintbrush

Hey, writers. I recently did some painting. If you’ve ever done any kind of artwork before, I hope you can enjoy what I’m writing here. Hit the jump, and let’s begin. A little bit of background: the majority of my drawing history comes from pencil with a bit of “Sharpie” (sometimes a literal Sharpie and…
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Writer’s Therapy

Hey, writers. I feel like I should share this one… And I feel like I might regret it but … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Haha. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. So I’m a big proponent of writing (duh, right?). I also believe that writing offers a lot of benefits (e.g. better focus, enhanced creativity, etc.) but…
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