Author: admin

A Home for Aspiring Writers

Movie Review:  Searching (Spoilers ahead!)

Hey, writers.  I recently saw the movie Searching.  Before I get to the spoiler-y things:  Yo, it’s a good movie.  It gets pretty sad at times (I mean it is about a father losing his daughter), but I highly recommend it.  Good times.  Unless you’re a father and you have a daughter. Then…proceed with caution. Otherwise,…
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Get Some Sleep!

Hey, writers. There are trends that I see in friends and family. One that always bugs me is the idea that functioning on low sleep is somehow admirable. No… Just… No. Hit the jump writers, and let’s discuss. It dawned on me that I’m writing this outside of cold & flu season, but then it…
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The D.Va Short that Never Existed

Hey, writers.  So there’s this thing that I’ve been doing.  Essentially it’s writing things that don’t exist…that I also don’t intend on publishing.  Hm.  That sounds pretty weird. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. When I work on a novel or a short story, I already know my plans with it.  I want to…
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Peanut Butter! Whooo! :-)

Hey, writers.  I’m currently working on something else (I know, breaking news right?).  Anyway, I wanted to take a break and talk to you about Peanut Butter. “Wait, what?  What’s that?” You mean, “Who is that?” Wait, what? Haha.  Hit the jump, writers.  Let’s discuss. I had a friend before.  He was a very good…
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The Krystal Test & the Greatest of All Time

Hey,  writers.  Today will be the last time (for now) that I write about the Krystal Test.  I had some things to say about Minions.  But first, there’s one character that I consider the epitome of passing the Krystal Test.  Who could that be? Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. Super Mega Ukulele! Let’s…
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Mission Impossible – Fallout (Spoilers Ahead!)

Hey, writers. Yes, I saw Mission: Impossible – Fallout. And yes, holy crap, I loved it. Hit the jump, writers, let’s do this. So my intention was to write this article at the same time as the previous article. But to borrow some words: “Life…ah…ah…gets in the way.” — paraphrasing Ian Malcolm So there’s a…
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Mission: Impossible – Fallout (No Spoilers)

Hey, writers. Let’s do this. I saw the movie a couple days ago and wanted to get on this post right away. But first: OMGOMGOMGOMFG. I loved the crap out of this movie. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. First of all, there are no real spoilers in this post. Second of all, I…
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The Krystal Test & Avengers

Hey, writers. Last time, we talked about something I call the Krystal Test.  Essentially, how do we differentiate characters in such a way that the average person wouldn’t be confused by everything on the page? Before we discussed characters that already existed, but what if we applied the Krystal test to an “upcoming” movie? Hit…
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Mission Impossible – Fallout! YESSSSS

Hey, writers. Today I wanted to talk about a movie I can’t wait to see. Since before January I wanted to see this movie.  More than any other slated for the year. Yes, including Avengers Infinity War and Deadpool Two. Oh wait. You can already see the banner and the title … hmm … awkward…
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The Krystal Test & the Lineup

Hey, writers. Today I wanted to talk about character design. Ultimately, I think an ambitious and lofty goal would be to create the next Yoda or Batman.  A character so iconic that even your grandma could recognize him or her. Today, let’s talk purely about the aesthetics.  Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. A…
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