Category: Uncategorized

A Home for Aspiring Writers

Writer Lessons from Avengers Infinity War (SPOILERS)

Hey, writers. So, it’s Monday night. I hope you’ve all seen Avengers Infinity War because today I’m going to discuss with it tons of spoilers. Let’s get to it. Hit the jump, writers, and let’s discuss. First thing’s first. The part where Vision is being stepped on and the stone is being ripped from his…
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Timing Better Flashbacks

Hey, writers. For better or worse, many stories feature a flashback or two. Personally I tend to prefer seeing a flashback in a story (though I know that isn’t true for everyone). Even if you never plan on using a flashback in your stories, writers, I still think it’s good to ponder a bit on…
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Happy Holidays: Things a Writer Can Learn from Friday the 13th

Hey, writers. My head was swimming with the ideas for this Happy Holidays article.  There’s so much surrounding the Friday the 13th phenomenon.  There’s the history of it, the blurry creation of it, the stacks and stacks of Jason Voorhees stuff (the guy with the weapons and the hockey mask). And, of course, the superstitions.…
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Writer Resource: Better Action Scenes

Hey, writers.  This is a new series that I wanted to share with you all.  So I carry around a stack of notes everyday and I’ve been asked things like, “What are those?” and “Why do you carry that everyday?” So here’s one of the sheets.  I call it a Writer Resource.  I’ve referred to…
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Magic the Gathering, Short Stories, and Better Writing

Hey, writers.  I believe in there holistic approach when it comes to learning.  For instance, I think even Magic cards can teach us a great deal.  I think there are lessons to be learned from set design, card creation, and even flavor text. So what can we learn from Magic the Gathering? Hit the jump,…
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Happy Holidays:  What a Writer Can Learn from St. Patrick’s Day

Hey, writers.  First of all…Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Haha.  Okay moving on.  I know a lot of people that love this holiday and for them, it’s all about partying. Instead of just celebrations though, what writer lessons can be learned here?  Is it all just partying?  Of course not. Hit the jump writers, and let’s…
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Writer Lessons:  Crafting Better Villains

Hey, writers.  I’ve done a lot of research on writing villains.  Some of it I agree with and some of I don’t.  They were all valid points though. Hit the jump and let’s talk about the “evil” side of stories.   Okay, I’m going to try to keep this short.  There’s a lot to cover…
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How much violence should your story have? (ft. Red Sparrow)

Hey, writers. I watch a lot of action movies. I see a lot of violence. I think I’m used to seeing people get blown up and shot at and stabbed. Having said that, I recently saw a movie with a lot more violence and nudity than I expected. Having said that, I recently saw Red…
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Black Panther Movie Review (No Spoilers)

Hey, everyone.  First off, I want to say that there will be no spoilers in this article.  Second, Black Panther received a lot of hype, but did it deserve it? Hit the jump and let’s discuss.

How Viewpoint Ruined The Hunger Games

  Hey, writers! I have to address something that’s been bugging me for a long time now. I am a huge Hunger Games fan. Specifically, I am a Hunger Games fan, I am not a Catching Fire fan and I am definitely not a Mockingjay fan. Before we begin, *deep anguished sigh* I want to…
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